Tuesday, 1 September 2015

What this blog is for...

Loads of postings to twitter, youtube, facebook etc. log the interractions of cyclists with other road users. Generally speaking this is a good thing - but it tends towards each event being ephemeral, it lasts only until the next praiseworthy overtake or vomitworthy close-pass overshadows those that came before.

The down side of this is that we frequently see a social-media dogpile followed by complete silence - and nothing is achieved. Which means that (for example) its just not worth a company responding to widespread criticism of one of their drivers, all they achieve is extending the time the criticism remains live for. Ultimately it means that there isn't a meaningful right to reply for those who've addressed bad behaviour by their drivers.

But its worse than that - good behaviour (companies who voluntarily change their policies to make their lorries 'cycle safe', regular good overtaking by commercial drivers, etc.) gets forgotten too.

The aim of this blog is, simply, to collate these happenings. To upload links with info to these events an to collate responses from those who are shown. Events that show good or bad road behaviour towards cyclists, alongside photographic or video evidence, will be posted. And at all times verified responses from those shown will be allowed, unedited (within the remit of what is permissible by law).

This will, I hope, become in time a searchable resource for all such interactions. 

Contributions welcome - leave a reply to this post if you wish.

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